Saturday, October 29, 2011


Ringing in October was easy in BEAUTIFUL Richmond, VA. Flying through North Carolina and being in the hometown of 2 NCAA tourny basketball teams did get me a little anxious for basketball season (probably a little too soon! haha). Didn't run in to Harrison Barnes, unfortunately ;)

The University of Richmond was RICH in history.. see what I did there? I called this post Halloweentown because Richmond is home of the Spiders. What a strange mascot!

The college is gorgeous, with brick pathways winding through the rolling hills of the school. The lake in the middle separates the 2 colleges of the university, which is still split into a women's college and a men's college: Westhampton college for women and The Richmond College for men. Funny that they still have separate administration, and even different policies about behavior/requirements! I thought that was really interesting, and wonder when, if ever, they will consolidate or at least make the standard requirements the same.

At the University of Richmond, they don't have a chapter facility or even a chapter room/lodge of any sort (the fraternities have "lodges", and they are working on a plan to build sorority "cottages" in the near future for members to meet in) so I got to hang out on the campus all day and eat a lot of meals in the "D-Hall" aka the dining hall... Bringing back memories of freshman year!

Here are some pictures from the school!

Westhampton College Dean's office

Sciences building (aka where I would have been for all my classes). Really cool inside and split into all the different types of sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, etc...)

Chapel on campus.. GORGEOUS! They have an incoming freshman ceremony and outgoing ceremony for graduating seniors

Belltower which was right over the library, so it "rang" (you'll see the reason for the quotes around rang in the next couple pictures) on the hour and played songs at noon and 5pm.

One of the Quads

Yeah. Those are speakers in the clocktower, so its just a recording of bells ringing. LAME!

More of campus :) So pretty

SPOOKY SPIDERS! Their new football stadium

Spiderwebs all over everything! I almost felt bad about killing a spider by the end of the week.

Spidey field. Kyle wasn't happy when I told him where I was, still a little bitter about UNI's loss against the Spiders in the semifinals for the championship game or something like that.. I thought it was funny he even knew what the University of Richmond's mascot was!

International Quad

Sig Ep was founded at the University of Richmond!

New basketball/workout facility. Felt pretty legit like I would get mistaken for a women's basketball player when I got to workout and play basketball inside... but my father rudely informed me that I would NOT be confused as a baller.

Richmond College Dean's office

The lake and the Student Union which is right on top of the water!

Bridges connecting the two colleges and meeting at the gazebo/island in the middle. The "curse" is that if you kiss someone at the gazebo you will get married. I thought it was funny they called it a "curse"

Ok, I realize I looked like the international students taking pictures of ducks on Lake Laverne at ISU, so I stopped taking these pictures so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

Another view of the union from the trails that go around the lake!

All in all, it was SO fun and great weather. I got to see a lot, learn a lot, and meet a lot of great women (including one whose boyfriend was the long snapper and the placekick holder for the football team. Don't ask me how that works ;) )

I flew out bright and early at 6am, and was SOOOOOOO excited to get to go back to CF and IOWA for the first time since July! I have never been away from Iowa for that long, so I was SO excited flying into Des Moines and seeing my Mom at the airport!!!!!! ____ party! (You know what I'm talking about, julee)

Kevin's highschool football game.. CFHS victory over West High and UNI Homecoming, friends, and a panther victory=a GREAT family friend and football weekend! 

K Brahh getting after it!

UNI tailgating with Sarah and April!

Kyle just casually punting in the middle of the band, while I casually take pictures of him, haha.

sare tul!

Grandma and Bob, representing UNI purple and gold!

Kyle and Hub, just some roomates playing catch ;)

It was confusing for the coaches to know which #29 to put in to the game...

my favorite CFHS juniors!

Kyle pleasing his fans :)

After the go go go go weekend, it was off to Iowa City and the Megabus to Chicago and Evanston/Northwestern....

Sad to leave, but even more excited to come home again!!! :)

x's and o's from the Field of Dreams :)


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